Your personal membership month is not necessarily the same as the calendar month, but is based on the date you signed up with us.
For information for company members, please click here.
Your membership month always begins on the day of the month that your membership started. For example, if you start your membership on the 10th of a month, your membership would renew itself on the 10th of each month and run until the 9th of the next one. This means you can set up a pause before the 10th of the month, and you would need to request a cancellation before the 7th of the month.
You can see when your billing cycle starts by going to “Your Account” on our website and checking under “member since” at the top of the page. Your starting date determines the day on which your billing cycle begins.
Please be aware that your visit limits on the M, L, and XL memberships are calculated by calendar month. These limits will be reset on the first of each month.
Company members:
For members with memberships linked with their employer - your membership cycle usually begins on the first of the month. Please note that if you sign up in the middle of the month and choose the 1st of the current month as your start date, you will pay the full membership fee for the whole calendar month and then be charged again on the first of the next month. You can decide whether to sign up from the first of next month, or choose the first of the current month retrospectively as your start date.