We are happy that you want to recommend Urban Sports Club to your friends!
For specific information for company members please click here.
You can find your referral code to share with your friends and family directly on the website. Just log into urbansportsclub.com and click on “recommend friends” in “Your Account”. Your friend needs to add this code when they sign up so you both get a discount.
Please note that you can only refer a total of 20 people.
The person you are referring needs to be completely new to Urban Sports Club, meaning they are not a current or past member. They also need to be an active, paying member for at least three months before you get your bonus. The referred member gets €5 off their third monthly payment and at the same time, you get €5 credit on your account, which is deducted from your next membership fee. The referral program cannot be combined with another starting discount.
For corporate members:
Note that if your monthly payment is less than €5 you will not be credited with the remaining money of the discount voucher. The discount will be redeemed once for the third monthly payment. This applies to both referred members and referring members.