If you want to know if your company offers Urban Sports Club, you can check here.
Just use your company email, to check if your company has cooperation with Urban Sports Club
If your company offers Urban Sports Club:
If your company does offer Urban Sports Club, please follow the following steps:
You will receive an email with 6 digits, to validate
You will be redirected to your company landing page, where you can choose the plan the best suited to your needs.
If your company doesn't offer Urban Sports Club:
If we don't find the email's domain on our system, is because your company doesn't have cooperation with Urban Sports Club yet! But don't worry, if you follow the next steps, we can try to make that happen.
Just follow the next steps:
If you're in charge of the benefits of your company, select the following options, and soon you can have a cooperation with us. You will be redirect to the the Urban Sports Club Corporate page